7 essentials for a Manufacturing Business Plan

When was the last time you, personally, tackled your manufacturing business plan? Hiring a consultant to develop one for you does not count. The plan is his not yours. A manufacturing business plan really needs to be yours. No one else. Having a good up-to-date...

Strategy execution — 7 must knows

The meeting was about strategy execution, at least that was what I thought. Matt walked into the office dressed very nicely. Matt and his partner had researched and written a beautiful strategic plan. Matt presented the target markets, the areas of focus. The target...

Strategic planning — 5 best practices

Responses from business leaders about strategic planning I’ve picked up over time. Take note, these statements and attitudes hinder you as a business leader. “I don’t need strategic planning, I’m action oriented. I get things done.”...

Prioritize or not, it is up to you

Plan, Prioritize, and Perform. The phone rings again. Another request pops in from a partner to prioritize something new he wants me to do. During the call, two more emails come asking me to do something. The owner just left and wanted this other task completed by...

Get a plan – it is time

You know in the back of your head, it is time to get a plan. But planning is such a pain. You’d rather get things done! Not waste time planning. Besides no one reads plans after they’re done. No one follows them. Getting a plan is a lot of work and there...

7 essentials of a vision with meat

Vision with meat The point of a vision with meat is to get alignment. Alignment of your actions, your priorities, your to do list, your team’s activities and their willingness to take steps without you drives execution to improve margins and performance. A...