Daniel Owen Masters Sales Leadership

Meta Fab sales and marketing has a plan for gpostth and Daniel has a plan for the personal gpostth necessary for effective leadership. I had the privilege to coach Daniel through the process. Meta Fab is one of those unique companies that knows it has to invest in...

7 must-ask questions when you want something.

Am I really in this to help or do I just want something from them? Tell me about your situation? What are the desired outcomes you want? Why do you want these? What happens if you don’t get them? What does that matter? What stands in your way to getting them? If...

Personal assessments set a baseline for performance improvements

Assessment options Carrying out assessments gives you an inside look at behavior and reaction styles that kick in when your organization is in “high velocity” situations. Since most people are in reaction mode most of each day wouldn’t it be good to...

How do you blast through obstacles to revenue gpostth?

I struggled with these same issues and more when running organizations. Each time I blasted through one of the obstacles with an effective approach my team and I accomplished amazing things. When I left the obstacles in place, it just didn’t work out as well as...

Willamette Falls–awesome view

Wow! Willamette Falls, Oregon. Awesome view of Willamette Falls, Oregon. This is where there are ancient petroglyphs and where local tribes harvest lamprey eels. The salmon and steelhead congregate here and the sea lions have a feast especially when the fisherman hook...

5 steps to Laser focused execution

“This is tough work. If you put your mind to it, it will become easier. Be intentional. It will provide a renewed sense of engagement and accomplishment.” To get the rewards set aside 30-60 minutes each week to work on these. I have my “hour of...