You suspect something's not quite right in your business. What is it?

You suspect something’s not quite right in your business. What is it?

You know something’s not quite right in your business. Your results are not quite what you want. You suspect something’s holding you back. What is it?
Most people feel something’s not quite right about their business or themselves at some point in their career.
How do you nail it down? How do you fix it?
The usual answers are to talk to a trusted friend, a mentor, figure it out as I go, read a book. All well-traveled paths.

How to identify what it is when something’s not quite

So, here is a good rundown on how to get on top of those things not quite right in your business.
Accept continuous improvement as necessary:  Step back and view the task as something that will take you to your dream, your vision, your biggest goals.  The success of the task will determine success and failure ten-fold over optimizing what you do now.
Understand the thing that’s not quite right. 

  • Identify the effects it has on your business, your day, your daily activities.
  • Start to sleuth out the causes lying behind the effects. Don’t stop at the first answer, second, third or even fourth answers. The causes often lie at the deeper levels. Keep on them.
  • Be ready for wherever it takes you. You might not like it. But, don’t ignore it.

Know your truly outstanding talents. Not what you want them to be, but what they are. This takes a deep-seated honesty.

  • Make your next steps rely on your talents.
  • We often take our talents for granted. We think everyone else has these too, “so what’s the big deal?”  They are a big deal and determine what can make you different.

Know you weaknesses and blind spots.  I’ve had people spout off their blind spots then stop a moment later and say, “I guess they can’t be blind spots if I see them.”

  • It becomes crucial to not rely on weaknesses and blind spots for your success.
  • Get help to identify these. The payoff can be huge. The cost of not identifying these is huge also, in wasted time (months, years, decades), direction, focus, and money (10x over cost efficiencies easily)

It is time to get on top those “something’s not quite right” in your business.

Phil Bride, Executive Business CoachTake some time to work on your situation.
As an executive business coach I help clients get on top of this.
Let’s see if I can help you too!
Contact me to set up a 30-minute complimentary time to discuss your situation.
Give me a call at 503-753-9971 or email me at