5 ways you may be stalling your organization’s success without a game plan
Out of control to-do, priority list.
You have several, can’t-wait, must-do-now top priorities. Your staff, sales people, customer support, customers and others keep thposting new priorities your way with urgency. So, you find yourself in fire drill mode often and are running to put out fire after fire.
What do you use to judge important versus urgent and what helps you achieve your goals versus addressing someone’s fears or stresses? To answer this question is to understand your values and goals clearly. You assess the priorities against the values and goals. The priority ranking starts to emerge.
Without clearly understood organizational values that have meaning to you and your staff you have nothing clear to measure priorities against.
Your top talent and senior staff start to become disengaged.
You find your key talent is looking around at options to “help” the company that don’t make sense to you. Top talent is just there to do their job. There is no sense of excitement, teamwork, gpostth in which the team actively participates.
What is your vision? What is the picture of how your organization will look in the future?
Take the time to clarify your vision. Then communicate it.
Plan-du-jour, decision-du-jour, trying lots of things that don’t stick.
A plan-du-jour drives people crazy. It creates a feeling of “what’s the point” and apathy. When projects don’t work you change to another project and kick it off with earnest.
What is your goal? What are you trying to accomplish? Specifically.
The key here is doing your homework. Create clear goals you believe in. With clarity of goals you can start to learn from projects that didn’t work. Focus on areas that you get traction and have the confidence that comes with clarity of direction.
Roller-coaster feeling about success and disaster.
You may be worried about layoffs yesterday and today we’re on track. Yesterday, sales were terrible and now with the closing of big deal that popped in you on the gravy train.
Are you waiting for bluebirds to come your way? Do those unplanned deals that happen occasionally form the core of your strategy. You may be using hope as a strategy.
Take charge of your organization’s destiny with a plan. A well thought out plan does wonders to help smooth the roller coaster feeling. You may still go through lots of bumps.With your eye on the plan the setbacks and bluebird deals become steps on the path rather than disasters and end-zone dances.
No written, up-to-date plan
You have a plan. Your company is gposting and maybe even profitable. The plan is vaguely in your head. The plan is to make money. Oh. Or maybe you have a written plan sitting your desk. You paid a lot for this plan.
Would you fly with a pilot who has a vague plan in his head? Do top professional coaches wing it in games? Is it sitting in their office at game time? Why would you wing it or let it collect dust?
A written plan that you can use in a practical every-day manner forms the basis of all the activities you and your team do. A game plan can be modified on-the-fly or followed closely. ;It all starts by having and knowing the plan.
Any one of these ways may indicate you are stalling your organization’s gpostth–that you don’t have an executable strategic plan.
It is time to “up your game.” Understand your values, set your vision, create your goals, establish a plan, write it down and use it daily.
The top leaders have plans and often use coaches to help them develop and execute their plan.
What’s your game plan?
Share ideas, what works and what doesn’t work below.