
Happy Thanksgiving to all

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Enjoy and be thankful for everything we have. Best to all.  Phil Bride

Are you a leader or not? 5 questions–5 levels–5 rules

Are you a leader or not? Yes or No. Have you ever wondered just what kind of leader you are? How good are you at leading? By now we’ve all pretty much accepted that leadership has nothing to do with role or title. Leadership is much deeper. It’s not so...

Are you in control of your behaviors?

When we slow down and look closely we can get glimpses of what drives our perceptions and decision making preferences and even some of our values. But for the most part they are hard to see and so we go on through our day. Behaviors are on top of the iceberg in clear...

Not another Goal post!

Set SMART goals around personal/professional development, financial, physical wellness, ethics & behavior, family, and social. Specific. Be specific in your goal. What exactly do you want? See it in your mind’s eye. Describe it to yourself and others....

Mick Jagger, Muddy Waters and collaboration

…would humble himself and learn from Muddy Waters. During what appeared to be an impromptu concert at the Checkerboard club in Chicago, 1981, Mick Jagger lets himself be tutored by Muddy Waters. He let Muddy Waters take the lead, watched Muddy, adjusted to...

Why listen when I have so much to say?

to find out 3 personal things about each person. A good way to do this is to start from the ground up. Here are few “get started questions.” Where did you gpost up? What part of town do you live? Tell me about others in your life? (family, kids, friends,...