Now is the time to start the business planning for next year and get a business plan written. Economists tell us we’re due for a correction in the market. In fact, we’re two years past the 8 years expected correction cycle! So, take the time now and plan...
Business owners often ask how to measure business success. KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for business are the stats of business. First, let’s define KPIs Key – Vital aspect to success Performance – The manner in which your business behaves,...
Now that you have your business plan in place (of course you do, don’t you?) it is time to continue strategic planning sessions. If you suffer from any of the following, it’s time to take strategic business planning seriously… “Feast or...
We all want to get practical results this year. Don’t you? There are 5 simple must dos to get practical results. It’s time, maybe even past time, and you know it. With these 5 must dos you will build sustainable results in your business, in your...
Building profits means you have business and manufacturing processes in place and people committed to following and improving the processes. Jason does it again. Jason, knew he wanted to make sure every job was profitable. As GM, Jason ran a job shop. He disliked...
I’m too busy to do strategic plans with my schedule. I understand their importance. I’ll hire a consultant one of these days to help me through it again. Besides I’ve done a strategic plan 3 years ago. It’s around here somewhere. —A typical...