No one plans on being mediocre; mediocrity happens when you don’t plan.
– Lolly Daskal
Daskal goes on to list out 10 attributes of excellence that beats out mediocre.
- Drive
- Self reliance
- Willpower
- Patience
- Integrity
- Passion
- Connection
- Optimism
- Self-confidence
- Communication
What do you allow to be mediocre that is important to you?
- A project you drive.
- Your business.
- An initiative in your business.
- Sales.
- Collaboration and teamwork with colleagues.
- Working well with others.
- Getting the right people in place and trained.
How do you plan to get out of mediocre performance when you’ve already got a plan? Take these 5 steps to give yourself a fighting chance to become excellent again.
This is how to break out of mediocre performance.
Review your goals. Make sure they are aligned with you vision. Insure they honor your values. Make sure they are SMART goals. Write the goals down. Share the revised goals.
Include others in the goal review, especially if you are working with others to accomplish this goal. Take their input seriously. Address their inputs. Understand their values and honor their values through the goals and your actions. Ask open questions (what, why, how, tell me more…) to understand their values. Read values as motivators. Motivation is crucial to excellence.
Collaborate with a team to identify everything that blocks successful completion of the goal. Be crisp and objective about what blocks progress. Opinions and history lessons are not overly useful. Stick with facts. Keep asking yourself, “if the each of the blocks or obstacles were removed would the goal be successfully completed?”
(if you don’t have a team, get colleagues, friends or family to play the role…feedback and input can make the difference.)
Brainstorm ideas to overcome obstacles blocking your path to successful goal completion. Let the ideas fly.
Pick the best solutions and go execute like you mean it.
So, don’t let things continue being mediocre. Do something positive for yourself. There are options for you.
Let’s talk. I can help.
For the last 30 years, I’ve worked these issues in real world situations.
Give me a call. 30 minutes is on me. (maybe coffee if we meet in person)
503-753-9971 or email me at
Get unstuck. Make things happen.