PCC CMET Leadership for SuccessWorkshop
Awesome! That’s what it’s like.
I had the true pleasure to work with a group of people in a workshop at PCC.
This group is highly talented and it turns out, visionary.
Surprising for a group of engineers? Not really.
During the course of a few weeks we walked through 5 key foundational aspects of leadership, communication skills, and setting a direction that means something to each person.
They will have a distinct advantage in their next steps over people who don’t take the time to plan it out.
Thanks to Todd Sanders, PhD., Assistant Dean and Professor at PCC, who put it together.
At the end each had goals and action plans aligned with their deepest wants. You could see the excitement about the newly focused directions.
There never seems to be time to plan, but when you do, magic can happen!
What are you doing to take charge of your direction?
“Dominate your life with Focus, Decision and Execution.”