
3 key management skillsDo you know the 3 key management skills?
Skills, if executed well by any manager, that will go a long way to excelling as a manager.
For experienced managers or new managers, practicing these skills becomes imperative to success as a manager.
So what are these 3 skills?

3 key management skills

  • Decision making
  • Collaboration
  • Execution

Decision Making

Decision making drives the direction of the day to day activities for the manager. Good decisions affect the manager’s direct reports and the extended team every day through all their projects.
A manager who has nailed decision making skills has developed skills in supporting skills too. Supporting skills includes prioritizing projects and tasks well.
The manager can decide on the goals to follow and those not to follow. And a manager gets the right people on the bus and in the right seats.
Finally, a manager can think critically and problem solve for themselves and their teams.


Managers who collaborate with their teams, partners, customers, extended teams know well the skills that create collaboration. Creating collaboration requires powerful and prolific communication.
The communication happens through constant presentations, whether in formal settings or small group settings called together quickly.
In order to collaborate, delegation plays a role to separate duties on projects. As a result, accountability ties tightly to delegation through frequent follow ups. Follow ups help the manager to understand the status against expectations set at time of delegation.
Run meetings to match the strengths and communication styles of the participants. This can determine the effectiveness of the collaboration effort over time.
Effectiveness in collaborative meetings comes from being prepared.  A key to meeting effectiveness is to set expectations for the meeting. Depending on the people attending it becomes highly useful to set the pace according to the personality styles of those participating.


A manager’s ability to execute well highly depends on their ability to manage time well. Managing time well translates into project management. Since managers have many projects under their purview, managing time well is a crucial element of execution.
Add onto this, the skill to identify and remove obstacles to achieve goals with an extended team to make things happen.
The 3 key management skills develop over time with practice and feedback understand the improvement of the skills.

To learn more

Give me a call or contact me at Phil@PhilBride.com and let’s spend a few minutes to talk about your situation.
I help…

  • New managers come up to speed.
  • Prepare teams for transition planning.
  • Teams work with millennials.
  • Experienced managers up their game.