Know why you do what you do

The 4 essentials why you do what you do–They point to values.

Understanding why you want something creates the mass to push through the inevitable obstacles you face in every worthwhile pursuit.
A walk through the 4 essentials to find out why you do what you do…Let’s go.

Why you do what you do—the 4 essentials

“It’s too hard! It’s just not happening. I’m not sure why I’m doing this.”
Know why you do what you do and why you want something. Knowing creates the mass to push through the inevitable obstacles you face in every worthwhile pursuit.

Your rants 

Those things you rant about, the things that make you angry, point to your values and passions that have been stomped on.

What are those things you rant about? Are they really important to you?

What is behind the situation that made you rant? What is the value that was stomped on?

What excites you–your passions

The passions, those things that get you inspired, excited, that you look forward to doing, point to your passions. Your passions are your whys.Do you know these whys, these passions?


What goal have you set lately that you determined to push through any obstacles to reach? What kept you going?

Take a moment and think through the reasons behind your determination that kept you going toward the goal. Maybe it was because your boss told you you had to do it and you want to keep your job. Maybe it was on your bucket list as an experience. Maybe you wanted to spend time with family while you can. Or maybe it was one of those things you feel deeply about and need to pursue.

Identify the core reason behind the determination to succeed.

Joyful experiences

Think about those events in your life when you were truly and simply happy.

What happened? Where were you? Who was there? What were you doing? What was it about that event that made you happy?

Summarize them and post them
After you have your list of passions and rants. Summarize them into a short list. Keep this short list in front of you all the time to remind you of why you do what you do. Add to it. Take things off as you discover the truth about your passions, rants…your big why.
Knowing your why forms a key foundational piece of the puzzle as you create goals and deal with the inevitable obstacles that will appear once you start carrying out the tasks.
As a leader your whys, your values direct the decisions you make and the direction you go. To know why you do what you do is to know yourself.
VALUES. Know them. Own them. Share them. Live by them.
Make your team aware of them. Your team will appreciate understanding these values, especially if they are aligned.
When you run into business or personal obstacles and hear yourself or someone else say things like, “It’s too hard. It’s not happening. We’re not getting anywhere. I’m not sure why we’re doing this,” pull out your values, your whys and remind yourself and them why it is important.

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