So, how do you figure out your personal philosophy?
Simple. Answer these 5 questions about personal philosophy and you are on your way!
1. What are your values? Values are those things that don’t change over time. These are the things you gravitate toward, defend, get excited about.
2. What do you stand for? For what are you willing to take stand, in which you give up things you’ve become accustomed?
3. What are good at? What skills have you developed that you enjoy? What do people tell you you are good at?
4. What are your natural talents? What are you naturally good at? When your intuition is right and you feel confident about it that’s an indicator of a natural talent.
5. What are you not so good at? These are skills and talents that just don’t click well with you. You might want them but they simply don’t click or resonate with you.
The reality is that some of the questions may not be so easy to answer. It would be good to write them down, review and revise them until they stabilize. If you change them each time they are not real.
Goal setting, assessments, values all form the basis of an excellentpersonal or professional plan.