A crisp vision creates a foundation for gpostth. It appeals to people and to their sense of being part of something big. Here are 6 compelling reasons for a vision.
6 Reasons you really do need a vision
EA Sothern as Lord Dundreary counting his fingers.
Describes where you want to go, what you want to do.
Could you imagine a sculptor who who didn’t have a crisp picture of the final sculpture in mind before starting work? How about a pilot? A construction company starting a project?
As a professional, someone responsible for gpostth, a crisp picture of the future toward which to lead your team will define your success. Knowing what you’re working toward gives you purpose.
Allows you to talk about it to yourself, your staff, customers, partners.
Executive leaders take every opportunity to share their vision for the future. They talk about it. They explore where and how it fits with staff, colleagues, partners, customers , anyone who can help them achieve the vision. The way to start sharing your vision is to have a vision that is compelling enough and interesting enough to share.
Helps you prioritize your goals and tasks.
Priorities can pile up. To-do lists keep gposting. More meetings get scheduled. More initiatives need to get initiated. A crisp vision goes a long way to say “yes” to some activities and “no” to others. It becomes simpler to ask yourself, “Does this really help achieve the vision?” “Does it do a better job in achieving the vision than other activities?”
Helps you build a team—the right team
What do you want in a team? What roles do you want met? What skills do you want? What training needs to happen?; Do you want a team that’s a set of individual contributors or a collaborators? Your picture about what the organization will look like will help answer these and more questions about the team. People who believe in your vision will look for ways to help you achieve the vision. You have the potential to become more than the sum of the parts of the team you pull together when you have a shared vision of the future that others believe in.
Helps you through the tough patches
Tough times happen. The market goes up and down. Customers change their buying habits. New competitors enter the market. All kinds of things happen. Your picture of the future, one that is compelling to you and your team, keeps the prize in mind when these things happen. Remind yourself often. Talk about the wins along the way. Talk about what it would be like to achieve all of your vision or parts of it. As much as the vision is aligned with you and your staff, it can be huge motivator to keep going and find ways around and through the tough patches.
Helps develop a realistic and attainable plan to get there
With a clear crisp picture of the future, a vision, you almost can’t help but come up with effective ways to achieve that picture, that vision of the future. Especially if your team believes in it along with you. The plans that are formed become about getting there. They become specific and attainable. Everyone wants to win. You get focused on what you can realistically do to get there.
What is your vision?