Here’s how I answered, and still answer, the “Now what?” question.
- Admit that I don’t know as much as I thought as evidenced by the fact that I didn’t know what I didn’t know.
- Ask for help from someone who listens and can ask the right questions.
- Start to ask questions and listen like never before. Take the attitude that others have different perspectives, needs, wants, motivations and ideas than me.
- Open myself to new ways of thinking, new ways of learning, not just new material.
- Get coaching on a regular schedule from someone who has a vested interest in my success.
- Do the hard work of self examination and assessments. Take the results seriously as performance metrics.
- Start immediately working on attitudes and beliefs, new tools and skills, as soon as I identify them.
I work on these topics every morning. It’s a workout routine for my professional development.
Now what?
I know my answer, do you know yours?
“Dominate your life with Focus, Decision and Execution.”