
Skills, abilities, and directions all became fair game for this big re-think. I thought through how I put into practice everything I had been writing about, working on, and showing others.

Planning became the centerpiece. To do lists then became one of many tools and not the foundation.

Big outward changes did not happen as a result of the planning. However, I’ve found a new pep in my step and a new depth of knowing where I want to go.

And that’s gotta count for something!

Me-centric results had become the focus. I started this blog in the first place to spread best business practices based on leadership, gpostth, and execution. It turns out I like to include a technology side too, but that’s another story.

I realize that I love helping people figure out how to get what they want. The whole of my experience, education, successes and well, failures all point to anin-depth understanding of people, strategy & execution, leadership & management skills, and how technology really fits.

What a cool combination, don’t you think?

Planning, reading, listening to talks on best business practices, then acting on these things has changed everything.

As Micheal Burt states, “find your unfair advantage.” I’m hot on the trail.

I’m quicklymoving from action, based on a plan, to action with a purpose. I spend more time than ever planning.

The execution seems to happen quicker and fewer things go sideways. That’s a bit weird. But, I like it.

Plans are dead, long live planning!